Learning for Performance (LfP)

Selling = Buying


Think about the last time you purchased something…

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…did you buy it because of the product, the brand, or the salesperson? Do you think that somebody sold the product to you, or did you decide to buy it? Yes, you chose to buy. And with your buying decision, you also decided which salesperson would be able to close the deal. Additionally, with the same buying decision, you defined the salesperson’s sales performance. The more you are satisfied with your buying decision, the more likely you will repeat and promote your decision.

Therefore, sales performance is directly linked to buying performance.

Learning for Performance (LfP) is a sales philosophy that is based on the following principles:

  • Quota, commission, and the conversion rate of the salesperson has nothing to do with the customer and customer’s buying decision.
  • Buying performance of the customer is measured by the quality of the buying decision.
  • The primary goal of a salesperson is to help the customer to make the best buying decision
  • Learning in a sales transaction means exploring what really matters to the customer, beyond the product/service
  • Learning performance of salesperson will eventually become the sales performance

This blog translates this philosophy into practice and offers concrete examples about how to unlock learning to understand the inner dialogue of our customers for the best buying decision.

The prominent hashtags are learning, selling, leadership, selectivity, curiosity, coaching, effectiveness, mindfulness, accountability, performance, mentoring, simplicity, and sustainable sales.

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I am a sales professional who works on setting the right mindset, building accuracy and focusing on value in commercial organizations… Read more